County Service Area No. 10
Questions & Answers

What is County Service Area No. 10?
CSA 10 area encompases new development areas. Currently there are a total of 2,779 properties located in this special tax district.
Your property tax bill will state whether you are in this special tax area, the assement cost currently is $112.38.

To mitigate impacts to Stanislaus County the developers of the Mello-Roos project requested the formation of County Service Area No. 10 (CSA 10). In 1990 the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors formed CSA 10 for the purpose of providing extended governmental services for the parcels within CSA 10. The extended services include Sheriff services, and maintenance of the parks, streetscape, and storm drain system that have been constructed within CSA 10. Annual assessments have been levied since Fiscal Year 1991/1992. CSA 10 also maintains the drainage system that serves Landmark Business Center No. 2. The cost to maintain that drainage system is only assessed to parcels within Landmark Business Center No. 2.

Can there an increase in the assessment?
Yes. The assessments are based on the estimated cost to provide the extended Sheriff's services, maintain the storm drain system, the parks and streetscape, and the administrtation costs of CSA 10. For example the five acre Segesta Park expansion (formerly Finney Park) and additional streetscapes will increase the Department of Parks and Recreation costs for Fiscal Year 2002/2003. To maintain the current level of park and streetscape maintenance, an increase in the assessment would be necessary.

Proposal for future landscaping financing

Current Total Annual CSA10 Charge per Household
Amount of $112.38 *Assessment for Landscaping
$37.25 (proposed increase to $84.56)
Monthly breakdown of Landscape Assessment
Total $ annually available for landscaping CSA 10
Combined last 3 years assessment
Amount spent on landscaping last 3 years
Amount owed to Stanislaus County by CSA 10
$147,000 (deficit)
Proposed CSA 10 Landscape Budget (fixed for 3 years)
Utilities (electricity, water)
Supplies (restroom, landscape)
Janitorial Service (restrooms, garbage)
Irrigation electricity & Maintenance
Repairs of existing plantings and systems
Sub Total
Repay shortfall over next 5 years
Total Proposed Assessment

*The Total Proposed Assessment will cause an increase from the $37.25 to $84.56 in yearly landscape assessments per household.

During the fall, a series of community meetings were held to discuss the CSA 10. It was determined that there would need to be another CSA10 ballot in order to approve or protest the proposed tax increase.

How much was the proposed assessment for the last ballot?
The assessments that were reccomended for Fiscal Year 2002/2003 are as follows:
Single Family Residential - $126.64 per lot
Commercial/Industrial Property - Undeveloped $126.64 per acre; Developed $633.20 per acre
Public Property - $126.64 per acre
Landmark Business Center - $42.34 per acre

How much were the last years assessment?
The assessments for Fiscal Year 2001/2002 were as follows:
Single Family Residential - $112.19 per lot
Commercial/Industrial Property - Undeveloped & Dedveloped $39.71 per actre +$2.42 per parcel
Public Property: There was no assessment levied on public property
Landmark Business Center - $45.70 per acre

Will the assessments increase each year?
The assessments are based on the cost to provide the CSA 10 services. The assessment for your parcel may increase or decrease from year to year, depending on the amount of money needed to pay for operation and maintenancec costs.

The current assessment method was established when CSA 10 was formed in 1990. It does not adequately address the assessment rates for developed commercial/industrial property nor does it provide a method to assess the public property.

Will development outside CSA 10 cause assessments to change?
No. The extended services being provided with CSA 10 assessments are only for the benefit of the facilities and property within CSA 10. If a new project outsided CSA 10 were to be approved, it's own CSA would be formed.

Link to Mello-Roos additional information

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