Salida Events Calendar
- 2001
We have a new calendar that will be easier for you to use! Just follow
the link and see the new calendar!
Reoccuring Events
Rotary Club
of Salida Meetings
Meetings are held at 6:45am Friday Mornings at the Salida Fire Department
4820 Salida
Salida Youth Baseball
7:00 p.m. First Wednesday of Every Month, location to be announced 48
hours prior to meeting. Please check the Salida Post Office Bulletin
board or the website for meeting information. You can also Rod Rose,
President, 545-0263.
Salida M.A.C. Meetings
7:00 pm @ Salida Fire Station Broadway/Salida Blvd. Second Thursday
of each month.
Salida Town
Watch Meetings
7:00pm @ Sheriff's Substation on Broadway every THIRD WEDNESDAY in Jan.,
Mar., May, July, Sept.,and Nov.
Lights Chorus is a group of women singers who gather every
Thursday evening at Sisk Elementary School for a fun evening of harmony
and friendship. We meet in the multipurpose room from 7-10pm and guests
are always welcome. We sing four part harmony (a capella) in barbershop
style. Free vocal-production instruction is a part of every rehearsal.
For more information contact Linda at 576-7010 (after 5p) or Joyce
at 838-2616
Community Service Bulletins
Harvest Valley Care Center is helping to bring items
to those in need in the community of Salida. For more information on
how you can donate items for supplies, please call or e-mail Pastor
Steve Ernst of the Harvest ValleyChurch at 545-8371.
E-mail your event
, or to immediately post your event information, please post it to
our Forum.