News Archive
January - March 1999

March 1999

Appologies for not having any new news this month. Although I am sure there was plenty going on (I know I was busy this month!!) I didn't get a chance to post much. Submissions for the web site are done by a volunteer basis, and for immediate posting of information, please use the Salida Forum, that way your important and timely information can be immediately available for all to see. Thats primarily what the Free Forum is for, and also to converse with other people about issues pertaining to our community. If you would like something submitted to the website including for the events calendar or the Communty News section you are reading right now, please send them to or

Salida Youth Activities Gearing Up!
The Salida Steelers Football program is underway. Signup's were held this month, and spring training is beginning!
The team is also looking for sponsorships and volunteers to help, if you are interested you can call Ken at 543-9589 or write: The Steelers P.O. Box 178 Salida, Ca  95368

The Salida Youth Baseball program is also begining. Teams are forming and the field is just about ready to go. The opening day is April 24th and will be at the Broadway park field at the Downtown Salida Ball Park. Not only will there be the crack of the bat, and the roar of the crowd, but you will have food, and other fun activities to round out the day! This program is also in need of volunteers or if you would like to find out more you can call Rob 543-0643 or 545-2804 (En Espanol).

Feburary 1999

February 21, 1999
Submitted by: Tom Burns


     What happens when 38 firemen, armed with all the latest cutting tools, meet 14 brand new
cars?  To find out, we attended a training day sponsored by the Stanislaus County Fire Training
Officer's Association on Saturday, February 20 at the Regional Fire Training Academy.

     The all day training brought firefighters from 10 agencies, including Salida Fire Dept.,
together to learn the latest techniques for auto extrication and to try out the latest "toys" from
Hurst and Holmatro, manufacturers of extrication tools. Instructors Kevin Krause and Dave
Andersen, both from L.N. Curtis & Sons in Oakland, represented the Hurst tools. Holmatro tools
made their instructors, Steve Carpenter and David Stinnet, both from Vacaville, available as well.
All four instructors were provided at no cost to the association for this training.

     Saturn Corporation donated fourteen brand new cars for the exercise. The cars had been
damaged in a train crash, and were unsaleable. Rarely do fire departments have the opportunity to
cut into new cars to learn what changes in automobile technology mean to rescue operations. Each
of the cars was carefully dissected until the doors and roofs had been removed. Undeployed air
bags provided first hand experience in the force with which these bags are deployed, and the
dangers of working in close proximity to these explosively deployed safety devices.

     As with all cars, these 14 contained oil, gasoline, and other hazardous fluids that require
proper disposal. Safety Kleen of Salida donated their expertise and time to properly collect and
dispose of these fluids.

     At the end of the day, all that was left was a row of decapitated cars, and the knowledge of
how to safely and efficiently rescue accident victims from these modern conveyances.

February 18, 1999
Submitted by: Tom Burns


    It was with regret that the MAC accepted the resignation in February of Councilmember Jim Hall.

Jim's departure leaves a vacancy on the council. Anyone interested in joining the MAC should send a letter of interest, along with a resume, to Supervisor Nick Blom, 1100 H Street, Modesto, with a copy to the MAC. The successful candidate must be a registered voter, and reside within the MAC boundaries. The vacancy will be filled by appointment by Supervisor Blom, after approval by the full Board of Supervisors. The term of the vacant position expires after the November 2001 election.

    Interested parties should submit their letter of interest as soon as possible, so that the position may be filled without undue delay. We would like the position filled by May. If you have any questions, you may call Becky Hackler at 525 -???? or Tom Burns at 544-8053, or by e-mail to

February 16, 1999
Submitted by: Tom Burns


  As the new year is in full swing, it is time to turn our attention once again to the various projects and events for the Salida Community throughout the year. And once again, the MAC asks for your help in making these events reality.

  Last year, the MAC sponsored, or participated in, a variety of events, including National Night Out (August), the Safety Fair (October), and the Holiday Event (December). Each of these events are planned again this year.

  As the name implies, National Night Out is a national effort to bring neighbors out of their houses to meet one another, in the belief that neighbors helping neighbors is the most effective method of crime prevention. On the first Tuesday in August,  neighbors are encouraged to get together in the evening, usually outside in the front yards or streets, for a social event. Last year, several neighborhoods got together for a BBQ, pot luck, or for dessert. The Sheriff’s Office, CHP, and Salida Fire Department all visited various neighborhoods. The Sheriff’s helicopter even made a cameo appearance at several parties. Contact Lynda Rodriguez (526-2211) for further details.

  This year marks the third year for the annual Safety Fair. held on the third Saturday of October. Planning for this year’s fair will start in March. Any individual or group wishing to participate this year should contact Tom Burns (544-8053) by March 15, 1999.

  December will once again see the Salida Holiday event, with a visit from Santa. Contact Gail Adams if you wish to help with this event.

  Ideas for additional community events will be considered at the next MAC meeting. Some suggestions received to date include a Farmer’s Market and a Craft Fair. Please bring your suggestions, and your willingness to help organize such events. With your participation, each of these events can be a great success.

February 7, 1999

To Whom It May Concern:
Salida is a large and growing community.  The need to provide a central location for youth and community activities becomes more evident daily.  We feel the school district has the facilities and organizational resources necessary to begin the process of creating a "community center".Salida Union School District is preparing State and Federal grant applications to fund a new after school/ safe community program.  We envision a program that will involve 200+ middle school students, parents, and other community partners every school day between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m.  Students would be given the opportunity to receive tutoring and participate in sports, recreation, and other activities including Scouts, 4-H, and service clubs.We are also preparing a Federal grant application  to provide evening and weekend services to parents and other community members including academic classes, parenting seminars, language classes and health/ social services.We would like your organization to participate in our planning with the goal of eventually developing a mutual partnership that will benefit our community.
A concept/ planning meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 12, 1999, 9:00-10:30 a.m. at the Salida Union School District office.  Please call and let us know if you can attend.
Tony Borba, Superintendent
Mark Walker, Curriculum Director

January 1999

The January MAC meeting is sure to draw a good crowd (1-14-99). Notices were sent out in the mail to residents about the moving of the Post Office. Also residents recieved surveys for Salida Community Plan Update which were to be mailed in by Jan. 7th.

Here's what the Post Office sent out:

The Salida Post Office is no longer large enough to adequately serve the needs of the Salida community. The Postal Service is initiating a search for a new home for the Post Office. To assist us in our efforts, we are seeking community input early in the process.

The Postal Service will attend your regularly scheduled community meeting to gather input on how best to meet Salida's current and future postal needs. We hope you will attend the meeting - your comments and suggestions are important to us.

If you are unable to attend this meeting, but would like your comments to be heard, please mail your written comments in a seperate envelope to my attention no later than January 29, 1999. Although it is not required, it would be helpful if you include your name and address.

Dennis Thompson, Postmaster,
Salida, Ca 95368-9998

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