September 11, 2003 - 7:00 p.m.

Stanislaus Regional Library – 4835 Sisk Rd. Salida, CA

I. Pledge of Allegiance – Moment of Silence

II. Words of Welcome and Instructions by Chairman

While the MAC welcomes and encourages participation at the Council meetings, it would be appreciated if you would limit your comments to five (5) minutes so that everyone may be heard. Matters under the jurisdiction of the Council and not on the posted agenda may be addressed by the general public under Item #5 - Community Concerns and the Council may consider adding the item to the next month’s agenda for further consideration. However, California law prohibits the Council from taking any action on a matter which is not on the posted agenda unless it is determined to be an emergency by the Council.

III. Approval of Minutes – July’s Minutes & August Minutes

IV. District #3 Field Representative: Sandy Hopp

  1. Community Concerns
  2. Salida Community Updates



Sheriff Community Deputies

Salida School District

CHP Community Officers

Central Salida Revitalization Committee

Salida Fire Department

Stanislaus County Code Enforcement

VII. Old Business

1. Incorporation – Invite LAFCO for Oct. Meeting

2. Proposed cemetery

3. New MAC Councilmember

VIII. New Business

1. 219 Widening Project – Bill Sandhu
2. Area Agency on Aging – Norma Munoz

3. Salida Community Flagpole – Joshua Powers

4. Development Applications as received

IX. Correspondence

X. Salida in the News

XI. Council Concerns/Comments

XII. Adjournment