Salida Schools

Salida School District includes almost 50 square miles and staffs 123 teachers, 259 Classified and 7 administrators. There are 4 Elementary schools:


Name Address  Grades    Schedule   Phone Number
Dena Boer 4801 Gold Valley Rd.
Salida, Ca 95368    
   K-5     Year Round 209-543-8163
Mildred Perkins    3920 Blue Bird Dr.
Modesto, Ca 95368
Year Round    209-545-4415
Sisk 5337 Sugar Creek Ln.
Salida, Ca 95368
Year Round 209-545-1671
Salida Elementary 4519 Finney Rd.,
Salida, Ca 95368
Year Round 209-545-0339

And one 6th-8th grade campus:
Middle/Jr. High School

Salida Middle School    5041 Toomes Rd.,
Salida, CA 95368
  6th-8th grade    Traditional   209-545-1633

And one High School to come!
Thank you voters!

The population of the school district is about 4500.

Salida School District

