December 1998
Sorry about the updates being so few and far between. I have been sick and was also gone for a week this month so I am trying to catch up. If you have any newsworthy items for Salida.org please send them to comments@salida.org.
Submitted by: Gail Adams
There is a donation drive going on in Salida! There are donation
bins located throughout the downtown area.
Please take a minute to rummage through your closets and see if there are any clothing or non-perishable food items that you don't need.
Donations will be accepted up to December 17th. At that time, the holiday committee will be created holiday baskets to distribute to need families within the Salida area.
If you know of someone that might be in need this holiday season or would like to help with the basket distribution, please call Wanda Leeder at 545-4701. Or, you can call Gail Adams for more information at 571-5199.
November 1998
Submitted by:Thomas Burns
The second annual Salida Community Safety Fair, held on October 17, 1998, was, by all accounts, a great success. A crowd estimated at over 1,500 people saw demonstrations and exhibits from a number of agencies throughout Stanislaus County and southern San Joaquin County.
Agencies and organizations participating include the Stanislaus Sheriff's Department, California Highway Patrol, Salida Fire District, Air Med Air Ambulance Service, Medi-Flight Air Ambulance Service, American Medical Response, Stanislaus Drug Enforcement Agency, Ripon Fire Department, Escalon Fire Department, Stanislaus County Department of Social Services, Stanislaus County Department of Environmental Resources, Stanislaus County Animal Control Department, Stanislaus District Attorney's Office, Stanislaus Sheriff STARS and Explorers, CHP Explorers, Salida Fire Dept.. Explorers, Stanislaus County PAL, Stanislaus County 911 dispatch, DARE, and Modesto Fire Department.
The crowds were treated to demonstrations by the Stanislaus Sheriff's K-9 and SWAT teams; Salida Fire Department hands-on fire extinguisher instruction, fire safe house, high angle rescue and jaws of life demonstrations; CHP roll-over and DUI checkpoint demonstrations; Stanislaus Drug Enforcement Agency drug dog demonstration; as well as helicopters from Medi-Flight, Stanislaus Sheriff's Department, Air Med, and CHP.
Special thanks to CHP Officers Tim Green, Russ Caplan, and Al Reyes; Sheriff's Lt. Ed Ridenour, and Deputies Dave Brown and Mike Gasior; and Salida Fire Engineer Doug McCullough for their tireless efforts in organizing the Safety Fair. In addition, the Safety Fair would not have been possible if not for the generosity of the Salida Fire Department in providing their fine facility at which to host the event. Finally, thanks go to the approximately 100 people who gave their Saturday to provide the displays, demonstrations, food, and fun, and who worked from dawn to dusk to set up, conduct, and take down the fair activities.
Plans are already underway for the third annual Safety Fair, to be held on October 16, 1999, at the Salida Fire Department. Comments and suggestions can be forwarded to Tom Burns at 544-8053, or by e-mail to tburnsesq@worldnet.att.net. See you next year!
Webmaster note: Please see the pictures of this years Safety Fair here!
October 1998
Due to unforseen circumstances of being extremely busy this month, no updates were available. We didn't get a chance to attend the M.A.C. meeting where we gather most of the information you read here on the latest Salida news.
Hopefully we will have the minutes soon so you can get more information on what issues are currently affecting Salida. The Safety Fair was another great success and we do have pictures available on the Safety Fair page.
We appologize for any inconvienence this may have caused in the flow of information.
September 1998
Crime Report:
Community Officer Deputy Dave Brown reported that petty thefts were
up during the Summer because school was out. Open garage doors are still
a problem, and there was a carjacking at Keirnan and Dunn. They have an
extra unit at night now.
Maintenance of Salida
You may wonder who is responsible for some of the general maintenance
of Salida. Who fills the pot holes and put in the new street lights at
the park on Broadway? The Stanislaus County maintenance crew is responsible
for many such tasks. The crew takes care of repairing and installing things
like street lights and Neighborhood Watch signs. They also are the ones
who take care of the pot holes. The County is comprised of 4 different
zones, and the zone that Salida is part of only has 6 crew members who
cover over 400 miles of roadway.
Watch Your Speed!
The California Highway Patrol is enforcing new speed limits through
Salida. More roads have been radar certified. Some roads have had their
speed limits lowered, so do pay attention to the speed limit signs in your
neighborhood. On antoher note in regards to the C.H.P., the Community Policing
Program will be expanding to other areas of Stanislaus County.
Subdivision Hearing
A hearing has been scheduled on the proposed Vella Estates 6 subdivision
at Toomes Rd. and Maximillian. A letter was sent out to area residents
after the M.A.C. voted down approval of the plan. The hearing will be held
on Oct. 1st, 7pm at the County building in downtown Modesto.
Click here for the letter and more information.