FM 104.9 The Gig
Contact The Gig : Email Brad (at) ValleyMedia.Org

KGIG Studio 209-545-4227 / Po Box 612 Salida Ca 95368-0612
To phone-in a public service message or news report that needs to
go on the air quickly leave it as voice mail
on my magic-jack recorder line 545-4227

In a county where roughly one in five residents lives below the poverty level, we must remain vigilant to ensure that thousands more don't end up homeless.

Community resources
Modesto Area disabled Veterans transportation services (209)914-4764

* Local organizations that aid the homeless in Stanislaus County.*
Family Promise helps homeless families with children 549-9454.
Salida California Food Bank Pastor Lowell coordinator 402-6991
Community Housing Shelter Services  527-0444
Shelters for individual men and women, Modesto Salvation Army 523-7577
Modesto Gospel Mission 529-8259.
For aid with transitional housing you can contact the
Community Housing and Shelter of Stanislaus County at: 574-1151. 
Turning Point offers help for mentally disabled homeless individuals 529-8519
The Salida Ice Cream Man Will bring ice cream to you call Steve (209)545-3999
Thank you to the Modesto Peace-Life Center for this local information.





Real Local Radio 545-4227 PO Box #612 Salida CA 95368 /