Please click here for the most
current information and sample ballot.(.pdf)

The Salida Highway Lighting District Assessments are NOT affiliated with Mello-Roos!
Click here for Mello-Roos


SLD History

SLD Tax Table

Current SLD Status

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Did you know that most of Salida's streetlights might be turned off?


The reasons are complex but, bottom line, there is
NOT enough money being assessed currently to pay
for the operation and maintenance of our streetlights
throughout town.


The Stanislaus County Auditor’s Office estimates that the money needed to pay for operations and maintenance will run out by the summer of 2003.


There are two options. (1) Do nothing and begin to
strategically turn off lights in the Salida community or
(2) The County has approved another ballot measure for property owners to vote on in favor or against an increase.

Please click here for the most
current information and sample ballot.(.pdf)

What Should You Know?

Educate yourself as to this issue. Come to the Salida MAC meetings the second Thursday of each month, log on to to share your thoughts, or attend the upcoming community meeting to obtain more information on this issue: