CommunityKQRP is a listener supported community radio station. We serve the community of Salida, California. We hope to offer interactive features to connect our community. We serve local community of which this radio station was founded. Our goal is to enhance our community via this new broadcast opportunity. Salida is a growing community in Stanislaus County. We have over 12,000 people in Salida and about 40,000 in our immediate listening radius. It is the largest un-incorporated community in the county and continues to grow. With this growth the need for communication is vital. You can learn more about the community we serve by visiting the volunteer run web site Salida California Online!
KQRP is pleased to announce a new community feature called "Salida Student Spotlight". This feature recognizes students in the Salida School District who show excellence in academics, community service and other special activities. The Spotlight features the selected student for a month in which an interview is done with the student and parent(s) and if available teachers via telephone. The student is also featured on our sister web site ValleyMedia.org/Salida. If you are a parent or teacher and would like to nominate a Salida student
for recognition on the Salida Student Spotlight segment, please send an
email with the childs name, age, grade, school and why you think they
deserve to be recognized. Send your emails to jhill_81 @ yahoo.com. |
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