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June 2000

Salida Homeowners Footing Park Bills
If you are a Salida homeowner in a Mello-Roos district, you are being asked to pay even more taxes.... for our parks. Those in the affected areas are being asked to approve an assessment that will increase their park maintenance fees 13 percent. The Modesto Bee featured an article on this May 16th, 2000. Read this article

Lights Out for Salida?
According to the County, the funding for the Salida Lighting District will be running out October of 2001. That is if voters don't approve of the assessment ballot, MID will cut of power to the Salida Lighting District area. So far, the resounding NO votes threaten to leave a majority of Salida in the dark come Winter of 2001. Whether or not this assessment is necessary, it stands that MID is the one who has the ultimate control over the issue. While literature about this ballot assessment hasn't been very clear or precise about where this money actual goes to and who actually pays what in this district, there is many concerns over this issue. The County says this is to approve a formula for future maintenance and service fees which may or may not eventually be reduced for the homeowners. Also, commercial developments within the lighting district haven't been assessed as much as the homeowners if at all. This new formula would supposedly make it more fair for the homeowners. On the other hand, according to the ballot literature, it lacks any information in that regard and basically says that if you agree to this it gives MID carte blanche to assess increased fees whenever they want without voter approval. See previous news article.


May 2000

Will Salida get a Community Center?

With 12,000 residents, we are the largest unincorporated community of Stanislaus County. The Modesto Bee carried an article that focuses on the possibility of creating a Community Center and other convienences for Salida. Read the full article here.


April 2000

Proposed county buffer zones under fire
Some Salida property owners oppose plans the County has for the "buffer" areas outlined in LAFCO preliminary maps. Get the rest of the story from

Governor Davis visits Salida
The Governor has a scheduled luncheon at a private residence in Salida.
Read the full story online from

Prop 218 affects residents in the Salida Lighting District
A letter was sent out to some Salida residents in regards to a ballot measure that will be appearing in their mailboxes soon. The letter from the Stanislaus County Auditor-Controller's office reads as follows:

"Dear Property Owner:
Proposition 218, a statewide initiative approved by the voters in November 1996, requires that property owners approve certain lighting district assesment increases through a ballot procedure. Your property lies within the SALIDA LIGHTING DISTRICT, entitling you to vote on whether a formula for calculating your lighting district assessment will be adopted, and consequently approving the resulting increase for fiscal year 2000-2001.

All direct assessment funds are used for the operations of the lighting district. Operating costs include maintenance, repair, and power costs for the street lights. The formula is used to project the required assessment amount, based on the previous year's operating costs.

You will receive a ballot in the mail within the next few weeks. The proposed increases will be approved and assessed if the protest vote does not win a simple majority of the ballots cast. Therefore, whether you support or protest the formula and resulting increase, your vote is important.

The votes will be tabulated on June 27th, at 9:35am, at a scheduled public hearing. Your appearance is not required at the public hearing to vote. You may cast you vote by mail, using the ballot you will soon be receiving. If property owners do not support the proposed increase, the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors would have to determine how to reduce the level of street lighting services." Dated April 21, 2000.

On the back of that letter was a FAQ type presentation:

"Proposition 218 Your Vote Counts!"

What is Prop 218? - Proposition 218 was a state-wide initiative approved by the voters in 1996. It requires that certain assessments and increases in those assessments be approved by property owners through a ballot procedure. It also requires a notice of public hearing to be delivered to all owners of record as of the date of the last assessment roll.

Who does Prop 218 affect? - Anyone whose property lies within boundaries of an affected lighting district.

How is the Assessment tabulated? - The costs for operation and maintenance include energy charges, repari, and replacement. "Dry period reserve" is the amount needed to cover operation and maintenance expenses for the next year between July, when the assessment is levied, and December, when the assessment is collected and disbursed. Any unused portion of the dry period reserve is carried over as a fund balance to the next fiscal year, which lowers the amount of the assessment.

What if I don't vote? - If the proposed formula is not approved, the current assessment would still be levied on your parcel. However, that existing amount of assessment may not be enough to operate the street lights during the upcoming year and, therefore,.services may be reduced.

What if I decide to protest? - The proposal will not be imposed if there is a majority protest. A majority protest exists if a simple majority of Assessment Ballots submitted are opposed to the proposal. The Assessment Ballots are weighted according to the proportional financial obligation of the affected property. The proposed increases will be approved and assessed if the protest vote does not win a simple majority of the ballots cast. Therefore, whether you support or protest the formula and resulting increase, your vote is important.

What am I supposed to do with my ballot?- Use a pen to mark an "X" in one of the boxes to indicate either your support or protest, and sign and date the ballot certification and either mail or drop off to Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. 1010 10th Street, Suite 6500 Modesto, Ca 95354.

Where can I get more information regarding Prop 218?- For more information call 525-7918


Traffic snags impede growth
Public Works is looking into the growth issues of traffic and the Pelandale and Hammett overpasses.
Read the article in the Modesto Bee.

Drug ingredient seized in Salida
El Merced Market on Broadway is the target of a pseudoephedrine bust.
Read the article in the Modesto Bee


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