Salida Community Comments |
My wife is a first grade teacher at Sisk School.
Both of our daughters go to Salida schools and I have an insurance agency that
services Salida (accross from the mall)
I am very impressed with the page and wish you the best.
We don't live in Salida but it has and is a big part of our life .
Bruce Aschenbrenner
Just got a flyer under my door telling me that If I haven't already, mail back my Salida Community Survey.
I've been looking forward to this survey ever since I learned we'd do a better on here since folks like me were ommited on the first run.
I'm angry that I have again been omitted.
Been here since 5/18/98. Purchased a home.
Want to be a part of Community. Don't know how.
(hell, I didn't even know Christmas trees were picked up this week).
I'm not happy with Salida. I have so much to give. It appears that
only a
few "powers that be" control all. This sucks.
Wish someone would take the time and educate me and welcome us to the
Most Sincerely,
Joe Judd
On September 10, 11, 12, 1998, approximately 40 individuals representing virtually every aspect of Salida met for the Salida Future Search - "Revitalization through Community Involvement". The event was sponsored by the County Chief Executive's Office in conjunction with the Salida MAC.
A "Future Search" is a guide by which people seeking common ground for action in a community can take ownership of their past, present, and future, an commit to action plans grounded in reality. Led by Gilbert Steil, an internationally known future search leader, the Salida Future Search focused on realistic efforts to improve the core community of Salida. By the end of the three day meeting, energy was focused on concrete means to improve the Salida Community.
As a direct result of the future search, committees were formed to begin
work on developing a Salida Business Association and a Salida Directory
of Business and Services. In addition, the Central Salida Revitalization
Committee was formed to explore improvements in the downtown area. But
the formation of committees to spearhead these projects is just the start
-- continuing effort and input from the community is necessary to make
change a reality. Interested parties can contact the various committees
through the Salida MAC. Call Tom Burns at 544-8053 or e-mail at
Submitted by:Joe Judd
It's a no brainer. We would benefit so much by better treatment by
the city of modesto, better trash - recycling - yard debris pickup, better
cable tv, etc. The Salida Concept should continue so that we can all chip
in to make our neighborhood within Modesto the Best!
Submitted by: Tom Burns, Chairman Salida Municipal Advisory Council
Salida today faces competing interests and pressures that will undoubetedly alter it's future course. The direction this community takes will, in large measure, depend upon what decisions are made today, and on the level of community participation in that process. We have a unique opportunity to shape the future of Salida -- either as a vibrant, autonomous community, or as simply another part of Modesto. The choice is yours!
As most of you are probably aware, the Salida Community Plan Update is proceeding at a rapid pace. As was reported in the Bee recently, the proposed community plan doubles the area of Salida from some 6,000 acres to more than 13,000 acres, extending from Beckwith Rd to the Stanislaus River. Whether that plan is ultimately adopted, or is modified remains to be seen. However, community participation in that process is key. Community meetings to discuss alternitives are being planned for September.
In conjunction with the Chief Executive's Office, the MAC is sponsoring a Future Search on September 10, 11, and 12. Attendance is limited, and by invitation only. If you are interested, please contact Tom Burns at 544-8053 (or e-mail at as soon as possible.
The MAC meets the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Fire Station. Your participation in these meetings is more mportant now than ever. Please plan to attend. If you have items of particular concern that you would like placed on the agenda, please contact Tom Burns by the first of each month.