Neighborhood Watch and Town Watch programs are active in Salida.
Town Watch members are made up from Neighborhood Watch Coordinators,
Street Captains, Law Enforcement, and anyone else who would like to
be involved. Salida Town Watch is fairly unique as we are the only community
in our County to have such a program. If you are interested in starting or re-activating the Neighborhood
Watch program in your area, please call:
All Street Captains and Neighborhood Watch coordinators are
encouraged to attend Town Watch meetings.
National Night Out is in August , is your neighborhood planning an event? If so contact the Stanislaus County Sheriff's office at 543-7355 and let them know. The Sheriff's Dept. and CHP make appearances at such neighborhood events and you can have them come to yours! Here's some pictures from one NNO we had a few years ago. It's a lot of fun and a great way to get to know your neighbors while giving crime a "going away" party!
National Night Out 1997 Kiernan Estates Party
Don't forget to come to the Town Watch meetings at the Sheriff's substation on Broadway Ave. every other month on the third Thursday at 7pm. Meetings are held in Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov.
Here's something we hope to see more of, web cams keeping a watchful eye on our neighborhoods via the Internet!
If you are in Salida and would like to start a Neighborhood Watch program
in your area,
just call the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Dept. at 543-7355