M.A.C. Meeting Minutes
July, 1998


P.O. Box 374 Salida, CA 95368

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Tom Burns, Chairman.
Council members present: Gail Adams, Jim Hall, Lana Moore and Lynda Rodriguez
Becky Hackler: no report

Community Deputies
Sheriff Deputy Mike Gasior and Dave Brown:
In general criminal activity has been down in Salida and is low compared to other communities. A theft in west Salida was pereptrated by two young Caucasian men driving an older silver Cutlass. They allegedly broke into a home on Maximillian. Anyone seeing the suspects and Cutlass should take down the license number of the car and turn it into the CHP. Walnut tree burls are becoming a major theft item. Suspicious activity in walnut groves should be reported. Thefts of lawn statuary is also on the increase.

CHP Community Officers: Officer Rick Ahlborn:
The community officer program is being expanded to a regional program. Four to six new officers and a full time supervisor (Willy Godniez)will be added to our area. Officer Godniez will be in charge of the whole community program.

Officer Tim Green:
Vehicle thefts are up this month and there is much speeding activity. Speeding citations are being given and a speed indication trailer will be used to remind drivers of their speed. Basketball hoops are being placed in streets and on sidewalks. They don't belong there. Statistics indicate a high number of accidents in the area, however accidents are low in Salida. Parking on sidewalks is a problem. If any are seen please call the CHP.

Salida Fire District:
Tom Burns spoke for Fire Chief John Brubaker. Medical related calls are up. Station 3 property negotiations are still ongoing. The price asked for property at Bacon and Toomes is too high so other locations are being looked at for Station 3. The new facility is expected to be started by the end of 1998. Portable buildings may be installed in the vacant lot on Broadway and will be used for fire district offices. The former office rooms will be used by fire district personnel on a 24 hour basis.

Salida Newsletter:
Bob Reibold stated the July issue is out. The next issue is expected to be out by the first week of August. Volunteers and donations are needed.

OLD BUSINESS Salida Redevelopment Projects
Jim Duval reported that 69.68 tons of trash were collected during the Neighborhood Watch project in Salida. Legal work is under way to abandon the Cloutier Drive Right-of-Way. All fee titles are being acquired in order to offer the Right-of-Way to adjacent property owners for additional development and to develop property tax appreciation. This process is expected to be completed in 1998. Working drawings for the Broadway project are complete and working drawings are expected to be completed for the Salida Blvd. project in 1998. More storm water retention capacity is needed in Salida. The County will work with the Mello Roos district to also provide additional storm water retention capacity for Broadway and Salida Blvd.. Storm drainage will also be provided for the residential area of the core Salida. Both deep wells and storm drainage will likely be used. $250,000 has been budgeted for these projects for fiscal year 1998-99. The Broadway and Salida Blvd. projects are being timed to avoid unnecessary work and expense.

Future Search Update
Tom Burns described the Future Search meeting that will take place on September 10, 11, and 12. It will start at 12 noon on Thursday, go all day on Friday and finish at noon on the 12th. The goal of the 2 day workshop is to develop a consensus about the future of Salida. About 72 people from a variety of economic and business areas are being invited to participate in the workshop. It will dovetail with the Salida Community Plan update.

MAC Workshop
Supervisor Blom has recommended that the MAC workshop be made mandatory for MAC members. The proposed workshop date is in the third week of September. The committee agreed the 17th is first choice, with the 14th being second choice. Tom recommended that the meeting be held in February next year since new MAC members start in January.

Town Watch
The Town Watch meets on the third Wednesday of the month and will meet on July 15th, at 7 p.m., at the Sheriff's Substation.

Stanislaus County Vision Statement A vision for Stanisalus County has been developed by various city and county agencies, business and residential representatives and CSU Stanislaus. The vision statement is now available for review and for feedback to the County Board of Supervisors. Tom Burns will provide copies of the statement at the MAC meeting in August and will provide it on diskette for Bob Reibold to include in the next issue of the Salida News.

The Second Annual Safety Fair is scheduled for October 17th. NEW BUSINESS National Night Out Lynda Rodriguez reported that the Neighborhood Watch groups will continue to meet separately in their own neighborhoods. Tim Green reported National Night Out will take place on August 4th. He also stated that CHP, Sheriff and Fire Department representatives will probably tour Salida separately so that all of the Neighborhood Watch block parties are visited.

Salida News Mail Expense Reimbursement Gail Adams requested authorization to subsidize, on a one-time basis, Bob Reibold's expenses for mailing the Salida Newsletter. An annual postal fee of $87 is required and the monthly mailing expense is $420. The MAC account presently has about $500. The recommendation was approved by the committee.

COMMUNITY CONCERNS One residential attendant, who lives on Toomes, reported receiving a Realtor's letter inquiring about availability of 10 to 20 acres in Salida. Another resident asked what was going near Dan Gamel RV Center. Tom reported that a Cozy Eight Motel is under construction there.


Thefts of walnut burls, cattle and bull semen around Salida were reported in a Modesto Bee article dated 7/6/98.

Gail Adams pointed out that it has been three years since Modesto attempted to have Salida placed in its sphere of influence. She proposed a special MAC meeting to renew discussions on the annexation issue. The committee approved placing this subject on the August agenda. Tom Burns pointed that Modesto now has some control on new development in Salida through water availability. Through ownership of the water system in Salida Modesto can refuse to supply water to proposed new subdivisions. An alternative is for Salida to form its own water district.

Adjournment: 8:23 p.m.

Next Meeting August 6, 1998
Submitted by Jim Hall Salida M.A.C. Secretary

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