The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Lynda Rodriguez, Co-chairman.
Council members present: Gail Adams, Jim Hall and Lana Moore
Becky Hackler
The MAC workshop will be held in August. The exact date still needs to be finalized.
Deputy Mike Gasior
Service call statistics are now available to the community service officers in Salida.
Vehicle burglaries and thefts have been dropping as follows:
MONTH BURGLARIES THEFTSOfficers Dave Brown and Mike Gasier went to bicycle school last week. They expect to start two man bicycle patrols next week.March 9 14
April 7 10
May 1 1
Lieut. Ed Ridenaur
Crime statistics are now available to the community officers. They will be made available to the Town Watch board in the form of a pin map showing crime sites. Neighborhood Watch groups and housing tracts will be identified on the map by color. The map will be available for the next Town Watch meeting on June 17th.
Lieut. Ridenaur said crime is down by 14% in Stanslaus County. Crime in the City of Modesto has taken a big drop.
The new park lights in the Broadway park are installed and all are operational now except one. The StanCo. Parks & Rec. Dept. installed the lights in the park and MID installed the lights on the perimeter.
CHP Community Officers
No- parking signs should be installed on Toomes Road by the end of August. Signs will also be installed on Broadway Blvd. to prohibit commercial vehicle parking.
Bob Reibold reported that the June edition of the newsletter has not been issued because of financial limitations. The June and July editions will be combined. It will be distributed through the Post Office in order to get it to every home and to encourage advertising. Salida Middle School students will provide material for the newsletter.
Town Watch
The Town Watch meets on the third Wednesday of the month and will meet on June 17th, at 7 p.m. at the Sheriff's Substation. The Sheriff's Dept. community officers will provide crime statistics for the meeting.
Plans are under way for the National Night Out on August 4th. The Second Annual Safety Fair is scheduled for October 17th.
Welcoming Committee Update
Steve Ernst was not at the meeting to give a report. Gail Adams will contact him and may get involved. Lieut. Ridenaur said he may get involved also. Jim Hall is to give Steve's phone number to Lieut. Ridenaur.
Approval of Participation on "Future Search" The MAC committee discussed and approved participation of Tom Burns and Jim Hall in a steering committee to develop a "Future Search" meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to develop directions for redevelopment in Salida.
COMMUNITY CONCERNS A resident asked specifics about funding for the Broadway redevelopment project. Gail recommended that Jim Duval be invited to the next MAC meeting to give an update on the Broadway and Salida Blvd. projects.
Jim Hall proposed a MAC sponsored meeting for candidates for the 26th Assembly District be placed on the agenda for the next MAC meeting. The committee approved the proposal. It is tentatively called "Get to Know Your Candidate Night".
Gail Adams distributed a publication from the Sonora Area Foundation to the MAC committee members. The purpose of the community foundation is to disperse gift earnings to non profit organizations while maintaining accountability and capital. The Salida MAC may be able to participate in the future.
Adjournment: 9:07 p.m.
Next Meeting July 9, 1998
Submitted by Jim Hall, Salida MAC Secretary