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Local Road Conditions

About Us


Maps of Salida
Salida Lighting District
General plan
Redistricting Maps
2000 Census


New M.A.C. Minutes

old M.A.C. Agendas

Emergency Services
County Services /Landscape

Mello-Roos Tax
Youth Services
  Salida Victory Center
  Girl Scouts
Senior Services

Salida Lighting District

Pelandale Interchange Project

CSA 10 Q & A


Town Watch
Salida Civic Assoc.
Salida Rotary

Safety Fair
Town & Country Festival

News (Archives)




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TV Station:

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Welcome to Salida, California all photo's copyright salida.org

is Now part of www.ValleyMedia.org
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November 2011

Brad Johnson Elected to 2nd Office in Salida.
Brad will now be representing the 99% of Salida
as a newly elected 'director' or board member
on the Salida Sewer district.
"I will video tape the meetings, so we all can learn more about the rate changes and developing projects in the Salida area."
Please come to the meetings if you can.
2010 folks the County reported
at the September Salida town meeting there will be a major cut back in county street sweeper service!
2011-June Election Results
About 86 votes knocked out Jeff Grover and put in some one new on election day

Stanislaus County
Less then 20% of you cast a vote

Here is a link to the Current plan for Salida Blvd.
20meg *.pdf

Salida Post Office - Dennis Thompson, Postmaster - Salida Post office has been rebuilt and expanded
to next adjacent site.
adding about 3,000 feet.
Email comments from community to dennis.p.thompson@usps.gov



Time to get ready for this years
 Join us Each year at the Salida town and country fair
Salida Town & Country
Parade and Festival

The Salida Civic Association's
This event is put on annually and is free for the Community to attend.
More info at the Salida-Civic Homepage

Salida Little League Baseball and Softball
Salida Little League Baseball and Softball Registration
website at www.salidalittleleague.com
for more information.

Salida Steelers 2007 Photo's
Salida Steeler website

** This article contains editorial opinions**

Salida Now?

It is salida.org's interest to keep the community informed best it can about what is really going on. Sometimes this means exposing truths about issues that are facing all of the community. It is this editor's opinion that the community needs to look a lot closer at what is going on with this proposal from
Salida Now.

Why did they pay people per signature to stand out in front of stores giving misleading information to talk people into signing this petition?

There is a strong air of fishyness going on with this, and unless people like us bring it into the public light, it will go unchecked until the corruption gets out of control. Don't let our small community turn into a place where developers are calling the shots with their consultants disguised as concerned citizens.

Kiernan/ 219 Widening Project

Here are some details on the on-going widening of State Route 219/Kiernan Avenue ( to Dale ) as presented by the project engineers.

Caltrans had a party the first week of June for the 'completed' project ( just before the Elections )
Yet the kone-zone is still a mess...

The following are PDF documents detailing the project:
*NEW * updates
many more homes knocked down as Caltrans works on 219

219 Fact Sheet
219 Construction Staging
219 Information Sheet

Salida Blvd. Construction ( 20 meg pdf )

In Salida we think 219 / Kiernan should
be made to work before we use tax money to build a developer freeway over farm land in the north county corridor!

Story one.
The local 'news' paper puts a spin on it
Minutes from the meeting
Even a Myspace on making Kiernan work

Election Results

Salida's Future Growth
Proposed Development Watch

West Salida Proposed Development
Plans are in the works to develop property on the west side of Salida from Toomes Rd. west to Hammett Rd. around the Flory Industries property. These plans are available at the Salida Sanitary District,

River Ranch Proposed Development
Project renamed to
aka pacific union homes

Do you have concerns or questions about the proposed development of River Ranch? Click here to go to the County's Planning site with maps and information on the Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

This development needs to be watched and scrutinized very carefully. If you care about Salida and the impact that a huge 5000 home development like this will create on our roads, water, sewer, lighting, taxes and our quality of life, you need to ask questions and demand answers. The County has shown many times that it prefers to "dance around"
hard and direct questions, and instead re-direct their answer or not provide any answer at all.

For more information contact the Planning Department at (209) 525-6330

Updates on the
Gregori-Salida High school

Ground breaking at the Stodard Road Gregori - Salida High School new site ( click for more )
will be posted on this website and broadcast
over cable-TV Public-access channels
( As of June 1st 2009 Charter Cable TV turned off the 'Public Access' channel 15 and repleaced local video's with the GOLF channel in HD , please boycott charter TV )
and do ask about how kids will be able to walk or bike to this major school with out any side walks or bike lanes....


Salida Fire Department

Take a photo tour of the of the new Salida Fire
Station #3.

Salida Library

Friends of the Salida Library
Find out how you can volunteer and help support our local library.

Call for more information and schedule
of events at 543-7315
To subscribe to the online book club, visit www.stanislauslibrary.org.

Last update:6-21-2010
Send E-Mail request for updates to
jhill_81 ( a t )
Yahoo . com

©1997-2010 salida.org
Web hosting by: ValleyMedia.Org

OnLine more then 13 years with never a penny
from your tax's or any Government funding
Ripon or Salida



* NEW * Salida MAC meetings *
4th Tuesday 's
- 7:00 p.m.
Stanislaus Regional Library -
4835 Sisk Rd., Salida, CA

Salida Meeting
& Minutes
( Click here)
( For now the Library will be open
on our town meeting nights!!! )

Salida Sanitary District Meetings
Second Thursdays 7pm
Call 545-4987 for info.
and ask for directions!
Also ask them to post the agenda in a public place as required by law...

Salida's Home Town
Valley Community Radio  KQRP LPFM 106.1

Community Radio Station

Streaming mp3 podcasts

Mac or Ipod
we will ALLWAYS broadcast
community messages
with no fee's or delays..

Check Out the
Gem Splash -One-
Recorded at
local music from new and upcoming bands.
Features twelve artists from Modesto & surrounding communities
each having one particularly catchy song.

Including Salida's own
Hero's Choice
The CD is only $5
 features twelve artists from Modesto & surrounding communities only $5
You can
get the CD online for only $5.
(Cheaper per track than Itunes BTW) You can also buy them at
Ingram and Brauns Music stores. 1709 Yosemite Blvd, 571-0133
503 Bangs Ave, 238-3098
Both in Modesto, Ca.

You can hear the Local bands
on 106.1 FM or
click here to
 mp3 pod cast of twelve artists from Modesto & surrounding communities . CLICK HERE
Download the

Visit the website at http://www.kqrp.com

Sheriff's Beat
Salida's Most Wanted
Click Here
( updated , sorry for delays )

Thanks to
FBI ’s Stockton Violent Crime Task Force,
the San Joaquin County Metropolitan Narcotics Task Force (METRO),
and the Stockton Police Department.
investigation found
The Salida's Record setting
126 pound Meth Bust
Meth Bust PR release
Story with photo tells Alleged dealer Osbaldo Sarabia was a 29-year-old lightweight boxer

* New Monthly Crime Map *
 Stanislaus County Sheriff Department Northwest Area Command newsletter.
Sheriff--report Crime-Map

- 80 Beat - Feb 08.pdf ( Salida )
- 18 Beat - Feb 08.pdf ( Del Rio )
Stanislaus County Sheriff Department Northwest Area Command newsletter.
- Feb_2008_NWA-Salida-NorthWest Report
- April-08 Sheriff
NorthWest Report

New Email for Salida Sheriff

Lieutenant Charles J. Grom
Phone 525-7191 / Cell 652-1780

We Learned at the March 2010 MAC meeting the Lieutenant Grom
will not be staying with Salida and moving to the Hackett Road Admin office.
Thank you for your service in Salida
over the last year.

New Contact
Sgt Lawrence at 525-7234.

Please report ALL graffiti sightings
in your neighborhood
525-6700 ( day time )
1-(877) 227-7478 ( 24-hour toll-free )
 Please Report all GRAFFITI to code enforcement for free clean up
 report graffiti in progress to 9 1 1
To report GRAFFITI in progress
call 911

If you have suspicious activity in your neighborhood, call the Non-emergency
Dispatch number at 552-2468.
You can also visit the
National Neighborhood Watch Institute

website for more information.
You can try to stop by the Sheriff's Substation during their lobby hours from 10a-4pm M-F, or
call 543-7355 with questions or concerns.

Salida Street Sweeping Schedule

Acrobat Reader needed for PDF

Community TV &
Local Government on Cable

Salida has been reaching out to cable viewers since 2001 with replays of MAC meetings and other community events. Now you can get even more government in action by catching the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors,
Planning Commission and
Modesto City Council meetings
on Charter Cable Channel 19.

- Schedule of Cable Access Programming

Salida M.A.C.: Saturday 11am
County Charter Cable CH. 19
Modesto Comcast
cable CH. 7

(Modesto) NOW ON KAZV
Antenna CHANNEL 14
Third Sunday at 10:30am-1pm~~ !

Salida Community Events:
Charter Cable killed our channel 15!
Sundays 8pm CH. 2 & 15
read about it here....

Board of Supervisors: Meetings carried Live (see calendar) Replaying Wednesday at 7:00 PM & Sunday at 10:00 AM CH. 19

Planning Commission: Meetings carried Live First and Third Thursday's of the month CH. 19

Modesto City Council: Meetings carried Live and Online Tuesday's at 5:30pm CH. 19

Independent Media:
Thursdays 7:30pm Channel 15
Again Charter Cable in Turlock
Killed you Public Access Channel
And replaced it with the Golf Channel in HD

Other Community
News & Events:

Make the Bank'ster clean up the mess...
Call in empty homes for 'weed-abatement'
Contact the Salida Fire Dept.

MOMS Club! of Ripon and Salida
MOMS stands for Moms Offering Moms Support and is a great club for moms who stay home with their children or moms whose work schedule allows them to spend most of their day with their kids.
The MOMS Club Infoline is (209) 577-8464
or visit their NEW Moms Club website

Send in the Who, What, Where, Why, When and How now!
Have an community event
or activity to post here?

Email jhill_81 ( a t ) yahoo . com

Salida.org Supporters

Cathy Kirby
Bethy Estes
Bev & Garvin Garcia

Would you like to see
your name here?

Help support Salida.org, Make a donation today!