Please also visit our Salida
Forum where you can voice your
opinions about issues facing the community of Salida.
September 2000
The Fourth Annual Salida Safety Fair is scheduled for Saturday, October
21, 2000. This year, the fair will run from 9:00 am to 3:00 PM at Salida Fire
Station No.1, on the corner of Broadway and Salida Blvd. The hosting agencies
include the Stanislaus Sheriff Department, Salida Fire District, AMR Ambulance,
California Highway Patrol, and the Salida MAC. Each agency will have static
displays, as well as demonstrations throughout the day. Demonstrations are
scheduled to include the Sheriff's SWAT team, K-9 teams, DUI checkpoint, Fire
Department auto extrication, and helicopters from AirMed, MediFlight, CHP
and the Sheriff's Office (depending on availability). Programs for children
are also scheduled. Delta Blood Bank will be on site to provide an opportunity
to donate blood. Mark you calendars now, and plan to bring the family!
-- Tom Burns
August 2000
Salida Community Plan Adopted
On Tuesday, August 29, the County Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted
a Revised Version of the Salida Community Plan amendment to the County General
Plan. The plan, two years in the making, outlines the direction and makeup
of growth in Salida over the next 20 years. The plan calls for Salida to grow
to Hammett Rd to the west, Bacon/Murphy and the Modesto City limits to the
south, Dale Rd to the east, and Ladd Rd to the North. Ladd Rd is planned to
be connected to Hammett Rd., to relieve traffic congestion on Kiernan. The
area to the east of Sisk rd is set to be commercial / planned industrial.
A 20 acre parcel north of Hammett and east of Hwy 99 is also set for planned
industrial. Low density residential is planned to fill in the area between
Toomes Rd and Hammett, with the exception of planned industrial at what is
now the Flory Industries site. Approximately 600 acres of the plan area are
zoned for new residential development, while approximately 1800 acres are
reserved for commercial/planned industrial development. Market forces will
drive the actual development in Salida, but the community plan provides a
road map to guide that development over the next 20 years.
Tom Burns,
Chairman, Salida MAC
here for the article The Bee printed in the paper on the meeting.
February 2000 Estimates |
Est. cash balance 6-30-00 | $13,827.00 | ||
Property Tax |
$ 8,381.00 | ||
Direct Assessments ($10.12) | $39,043.00 | ||
TOTAL REVENUE 2000/01 | $47,424.00 | ||
TOTAL FUNDING | $61,251.00 | ||
Maintenance Cost (5 yr average) | $ 5,480.00 | ||
Power Cost | $48,645.00 | ||
Street Light Improvements | $ 1,812.00 | ||
TOTAL EXPENDATURES | $55,937.00 | ||
DRY PERIOD RESERVE | $27,062.00 | ||
TOTAL FUNDING REQUIRED | $82,999.00 | ||
TOTAL SHORTFALL | - $21,748.00 |
July 2000
Prepare for a Dark Winter
New information, at the last M.A.C. meeting, it was said that the funding
for the Salida Lighting District will run out THIS October, not next year
as previously thought. The County Board of Supervisors is looking into a interim
solution until the funding comes back at the beginning of next year.
Notice of Public Hearing July 20, 2000 6:00pm
Notice is hereby given that the Stanislaus County Planning Commission will
hold a public hearing on Thursday, July 20, 2000, at a meeting starting at
6:00pm in the Joint Chambers, 1010 10th Street, Basement Level, Modesto, California,
to consider the following:
Salida Community Plan Update - Stanislaus County and RRM Design
Proposed changes to the Salida Community Plan portion of the Stanislaus County
General Plan. Following four community workshops, has developed a new plan
which provides future land direction, including updating of designated land
uses in the Community. The Plan, based on Community and Board input, expands
the existing Community PLan boundaries, but no actual land use element map,
zone changes, or other elements will occur. A Final Environmental Impact Report
will also be considered.
At the above noticed time and place, all interested persons will be given an opportunity to speak.
Any written material, photographs, or other new information which you intend to present regarding this applicaiont should be submitted to this office ten days prior to the meeting. Presenting such information for the first time at the public hearing may lead to a continuance because the Planning Commission and other concerned parties may not be able to adequately review such new information during a meeting. Materials submitted to the Planning Commission for consideration (i.e., photos, slides, petitions, letters,etc.) will be retained by the County and cannot be returned.
If you challenge the above item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission, at or prior to, the public hearing.
For further information, please call (209)525-6330
Salida Volunteer Fireman's Association Assists Pacific Burn Institute
Each year, the Pacific Burn Institute sponsors the Burn Brigade, a fund-raiser for the Shriner's Hospital Children's burn unit. As in the past, the Salida Fire Department participated in the parade around the Capitol, and the Salida Volunteer Fireman's Association donated money to the Institute. Burn Brigade 2000 took place on June 11, 2000. Mark Brubaker, Monte Owenby, Craig Stone, Caleb Brubaker, Zack Brubaker, and Tom Burns represented the Department. The day started early – 5:45am – with a trip to Stockton to meet up with representatives from Stockton, Tracy, and Patterson Fire Departments. Along the way to Sacramento, several other departments joined the motorcade. Eventually, we arrived at the Port of Sacramento with a contingent of over 25 fire engines from Modesto to Elk Grove. Breakfast was served at the port, while engines from all over Northern California gathered. In all, over 100 trucks, from as far away as Butte and Placer Counties participated in the parade to the capitol. Afterwards, most of the participants attended a Sacramento River Cats baseball game before returning home. Several thousand dollars was raised for the Institute.
Summer means BBQ By Tom Burns,
Salida Fire District Board of Directors The rising temperatures in the valley mean only one thing – summer is here. And with it comes that annual right practiced by al fresco chefs everywhere: the all-American BBQ. No-one does BBQ better than the Salida Volunteer Fireman's Association, as evidenced by their annual chicken BBQ, This year's chicken dinner will be held on Saturday, July 22, 2000. Chicken dinners are served at Station 1, from 4pm to 7pm; take-out is also available. Dinners are $8.00 each. Contact the Fire Department at 545-0364 for tickets.
CUB SCOUTS MAKE A SPLASH By Pat Burns, Rattlesnake Den,
Pack 48
On Saturday, June 24, the Rattlesnake Den of Pack 48 took scuba lessons and passed the test for the Webelos Aquanaut Pin. Taylor Rasmussen, Ryan Gunther, and Pat Burns had to jump into a 13-foot deep pool and swim 100 feet without stopping. We had to swim 50 feet with a mask, fins and a snorkel. We also had to do a surface dive and swim underwater. Finally, we had to show two different ways to safely rescue someone from the water. Later, we put on scuba gear and learned how to breathe under water. Our instructor was Steve Riddle, who works at Aquatic Dreams in Modesto. We stayed underwater for about an hour learning how to operate the scuba gear, and playing games. Thank you, Steve Riddle and Aquatic Dreams for the instruction and the pool. Thank you also to Mike Rafatti, our den leader, for setting up this fun day and helping with the scuba diving. [NOTE: Pat wrote this for part of his Communicator pin for Webelos; I will send over underwater photos of the kids that have been scanned already.]
At the June meeting, the Salida MAC recommended two names for
each of the 4 parks in Salida. The recommendations will go to the Board of
Supervisors for approval. Each of the recommended names was selected based
on responses from the community to requests for park names.
The recommendations are:
Downtown (Broadway): Hunteman Park; Salida / Hunteman Park
Murphy Rd: John Murphy Park; Poppy Glen Park
Wincanton: White Willow Park; Wincanton Park
Finney Rd: Segesta Park; Almond Blossom Park
HELP WANTED By Tom Burns, Salida MAC
As the temperature rises, so, it seems, does the number of projects and activities in Salida. Unfortunately, it seems that the number of people working on these projects remains constant, or declines over time. Eventually, this leads to overload for those involved in the community. To keep the projects and ideas fresh, it is vitally important that more people become involved in the community. The following is a partial list of the projects, events, or community committees under way or in the planning stages. Additional suggestions are welcome! Scheduled Events: National Night Out, August 1 First Annual Town and Country Festival and Parade, August 19 Fourth Annual Safety Fair, October 21 Third Annual Holiday Event, December ?? Planned Events: Farmer's Market Free Movie Nights in the Park Committees / Activities: Neighborhood Watch Town Watch Downtown Revitalization Committee Regional Sports Complex Salida Stakeholders Committee Salida News New Resident Welcome Committee Rotary Club of Salida Won't you consider getting involved in YOUR community? The time commitment is manageable. The reward is helping to make Salida a better place to live and raise a family, as well as the satisfaction from knowing that you were a part of shaping the future of this town. The MAC can be reached at PO Box 374, Salida 95368, at www.salida.org, or by e-mail to tburnsesq@att.net.
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